Tuesday, 11 June 2013

Creative Teaching idea #2...(PG tips)

Loyalty Cards

You know those annoying little pieces of card that inevitably end up crumpled, dog-eared or forgotten about until you end up with a pile that Everest would be proud of? OK I am exaggerating, a touch. Forgive me. My computer has simply not been my friend tonight.

The psychology behind said loyalty cards is quite simply to motivate customers to return.  Very often customers may get a 'bonus' stamper when they first get a card..which makes the customer happy, but more to the point- makes them feel like they have achieved something already. There is tangible, visible evidence that they are nearly, very almost (well...23 coffees away) from getting a shot of something peculiar and strong (always strong) and fresh (oh yes we don't sell anything not-fresh here you know) for FREE! And as you may well know or have guessed, customers like the word FREE. It feels good.  So, they are motivated to come back again and use their card and hey presto, customer is happy and retailer is happy.

Apply this vague theory to teaching.  Loyalty cards are given out at the start of the lesson.  Instead of nonsensical squiggles which are stamped on top of however, there are tasks linked to your lesson.  There is a task on there which is easy, which can be achieved simply and quickly.  The student completes it, gets their card stamped et voila...the same sense of motivation is achieved. They are now wanting to reach that end point...the first stamp was so easy to get...they now believe they can achieve the rest of the tasks on said loyalty card to continue on their learning journey.

A simple little way to add a bit of creativity in rewarding students whilst motivating them at the same time.

I will not take credit for this idea, I found it in a book (will find out the name). I will also not take credit for any sarcasm within my post today.  I blame that entirely on my computer who has refused to do anything I have asked it to this evening, and on my cat who is in a strop with me because I would not talk to him.

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